Cook out of your cooking comfort zone and Explore different types of cooking, ingredients or ethnicity! These classes are ore Demo-style, with great discussion on where to buy ingredients, substitions for ingredients you can’t find, cooking skills with front and center view, and some assistance from the class. Enjoy the generous tastings of what is explored, for a full meal by the time the class is over!

Chef Rachel - Empanadas!!

We all love them and Chef Rachel will teach us out to make them at home! Empanadas make a great snack, appetizer or casual family meal. They can even be made ahead to take for a picnic. It’s also a fun thing to do for an adult cooking party or with your kids for a family activity. Chef Rachel will show you how to work with the dough, make several delicious fillings and fry to perfection with just a pan on the stove. She will pair with a lively salad and a delicous mocktail for a fun way to entertain!

May 3rd, 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Jun 2nd, 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Explore! - Thai Green Curry Bowls - June 8th - 6:30 to 8:30 pm
from $79.00
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