Salad & Sandwich Box

Salad & Sandwich Box

  • Salad & Sandwich Box with freshly-baked chocolate chip cookie

    Variety of labeled boxes with turkey, Italian Panini, traditional chicken salad, chicken salad almondine or ham & swiss.

    Chicken Almondine and Ham sandwiches are served on whole-grain bread

  • Turkey, Panini, and Traditional Chicken Salad are served on Liscio semolina bread

  • Salad is a full-size Gala Apple Spring Mix salad with craisins, Feta , walnuts and our house specialty white balsamic vinaigrette.



  • Chopped Salad with carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, chickpeas, white balsamic vinaigrette (choose this variety in drop-down)

  • Oatmeal Cherry White Chocolate Cookie (specifiy in Special Instructions how many boxes you would like with Choc Chip and Oatmeal. NO note defaults to ALL chocolate chip

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